for this post, it was our 1st sports day.for me as well that is.hehe.well this was the event that happened on every Wednesday started from the 12th Nov till the last day 20th.the sports event was for all the departments in the for my department is H&T that i mentioned event ani besambung2 on every wednesday aja.but for this post ani yg the last day udh ni.hehe.ani th yg the main event bnr ni.bruth ada the opening ceremony ani bh.ada ti the guest of honour and all.yth for this day ani awal2 ku pkir dtg pkl 1pm.skali ada tia c jaz msg suro dtg pkl 10am bekumpul ah d stadium.atu begagas bnr ku eh.sekali udh ku dtg sna org blk.atu cali eh.rupanya the event pagi abis pkl 10am.den bru th smbung pkl 1pm.skali lepak2 th plg kmi d stadium ah.
then in the afternoon bruth start the event.well i was involved in the marching for our dept.this was the fun bit la on dat day since aku nda ikut apa2 event2.hehe.jdi supporter aja la.due to my health ani jua yth nda ku confident kn ikut apa2 jua.hehe.takut ku separuh jln belari trus tumbang kmi line up la dulu d luar bepanas ah arh pit.siok la kmi dgn semangat nya bebaris d luar menunggu kn marching msuk ke dlm ah.hehe.n i did took some pictures jua la.den kmi marching ke dlm lambai2 mcm c bnr la.hehe.kmi lgi kna suro bising2 ah.atu la kmi teriak2 aja la.after that we just sit n watched the event la.some of our friends did join the events.
these pictures happened before the event....
Awang jazreen
Dut Jaz n Bell
Brunei's Next top model! haha!
Modelling lgi..
again modelling drg ani
with miss fizah
with miss fizah lagi
ND TTS 07 gambar belakang nda menjadi
aksi2 drg
menunggu kn marching msih
suasana d luar
miss fizah mengarah2
our tutors
our tutors again
gambar freestyle?hehe
ani arh padang udh ni
During the event.....
penonton2 H&T
teka belakang sapa ni?
penyokong2 setia
the female athletes..hehe
bru kn start belari
Zati yumni looking at the crowd..hehe
again looking
c bubu@abu the JR
the male tutors...hehe kn belari la ni
Zati yumni after running
Sir Azmi kn belari ni ya
after the event prize presentation......
well did have a lot of fun together!hehe..n i know we will all miss each other.huhu.till then....
*Khai is the name people called*12 July is the bday* *73 is the number* *Red is the color* *Big Mac is the Favorite* *Manchester United is the huge fan* *Jaz & Amar are the Bestfriend*
.outgoing personality. .love to take risk. .feeds on attention. .kind hearted. .easy to get along with and talk to. .likes talking and singing. .loves music. .daydreamer. .big imagination. .loves to be loved. .in need of 'that someone'. .playful. .curious. .independent. .strong willed. .a fighter. .romantic.