Subject: Birthday party babah ku
Place: home
Date: 3oth August 2008, Saturday
Time: night
Place: home
Date: 3oth August 2008, Saturday
Time: night
My hero Haji Abdul Halim bin Haji Mohd Hashim.Born on the 30th August 1955.he is our leader in our family.he is there for us wen we need the guidance in life. all i can say is that thank you for loving us all*huhu* i love you daddy.P.s you still look handsome.hehe.
well its Saturday night ladies and gentleman! and yes it was my daddy's birthday.hehe. so kmi the whole family decided to have a barbecued party. well utk family kmi plg aja tu.ada plg org lain.hehe.the special one's.hehe.tpi aku kn crita serba sedikit tentang hari sabtu ku dulu. well 1st of all aku nada tidur ah.i did sleep plg tpi yth dlm 2 jam aja kli ah.huhu.because....awu last min lgi siapkn assignment sustainable tourism was tiring indeed. but yes i did finish it plg eh.*yeay*! atu aja.hehe.
so back to the subject.well i was asked to marinate the chickens,lamb chops and many was fun though. aku blend the onions lgi tu just to add up the flavor dlm the bbq sauces.aku sma c hamdi la tu jua memarinate. then kmi berdua angkat the bbq pit lgi tu d dlm hujan2.well its been raining a lot for these past few days.then my daddy sendiri lgi tu marakkan the api.hehe,aku nda pandai bh.after my brother and family ,sister n husband dtg den start la smua nya.hehe.mneyalai ayam n smua2 th kmi. it was really fun when kmi smua kira reunion kmi mcm biasa la begila2 n all.dats y i really love my family.*smile*hehe.kmi bnrnya atu kn mkn d dlm rumah.skali udh smua kn keluar arh bbq we decided to angkat the meja n we all ate outside la aja.tpi sayang nya aku nda tegambar masa drg karat cake ah.huhu.mna jua kn luan sibuk dgn menyalai ah.huhu. well overall we all had fun la! ehe. kmi dgn ketawa2 kmi.all my fruit children were having fun singing n lumpating2.hehe.
so back to the subject.well i was asked to marinate the chickens,lamb chops and many was fun though. aku blend the onions lgi tu just to add up the flavor dlm the bbq sauces.aku sma c hamdi la tu jua memarinate. then kmi berdua angkat the bbq pit lgi tu d dlm hujan2.well its been raining a lot for these past few days.then my daddy sendiri lgi tu marakkan the api.hehe,aku nda pandai bh.after my brother and family ,sister n husband dtg den start la smua nya.hehe.mneyalai ayam n smua2 th kmi. it was really fun when kmi smua kira reunion kmi mcm biasa la begila2 n all.dats y i really love my family.*smile*hehe.kmi bnrnya atu kn mkn d dlm rumah.skali udh smua kn keluar arh bbq we decided to angkat the meja n we all ate outside la aja.tpi sayang nya aku nda tegambar masa drg karat cake ah.huhu.mna jua kn luan sibuk dgn menyalai ah.huhu. well overall we all had fun la! ehe. kmi dgn ketawa2 kmi.all my fruit children were having fun singing n lumpating2.hehe.
aku sendiri! haha
dats all for now..hehe...just my family of mine...happy fasting ladies n gents!
"Another Day Another Chapter"